The most prevalent Ways among the hacker junior theft accounts Facebook pages are counterfeit, which is about pages are similar to Active Social Facebook, which asks you to enter the username and password, and may even be some pages counterfeit using some security gaps in Facebook  by showing links forged include the address of the real site Facebook, which may be www.facebook.com, fb.com followed by some of the icons .... Without talking about the attacks, as well as Xss Host poisoning and others that may be killed easily ...

Because it may be hard to identify counterfeit from the original pages I advise adding FB Phishing Protector for the Firefox browser, which show you a security alert when you logged in any page similar Pfispock and belonging to the hacker, where the addendum will prevent you from writing your own data

Unfortunately, this addiction doesn't exist on google chrome, but it doesn't mean that there is no addition like Extension Anti-Phishing & Authenticity, it also protect you from Forged pages by analysing pages's links and it protect you from Host poisoning this last, which may be exposed to in the case that the hacker change data of the host file

After installing the addition you will see a green icon in all links associated to facebook, when the color of the icon change to red it's mean that the page is not associated to facebook and you mustn't enter the password.
download: Anti-Phishing & Authenticity Checker

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  1. Nice articles..Similar articles is also on my site but this one is much more detailed.Thanx for the info


