You may just get the curiosity in order to know what is your global ranking of the world's rich? And want to get your ranking more accurately among the inhabitants of the earth? If you're in the right place, where the subject of today's lesson I'll show you a website created by the location of the establishment of an agency in London, asks you to enter your annual income in order to carry out a comparison based the statistics and show your ranking in the world between the world's rich people, of course I do not hide from you that the results are terrible and funny if you belong to layer of ordinary people, for example, when searched for ordinal global and found my level 1,278,114,262 summit poverty  Hahaha!!

The Global Rich List site is very simple, all you had to do after getting into site is to click on Select location and then select your country you reside in, then in the box Enter annual net income write your annual income, if you pay taxes, don't mention it in annual income, before clicking on the button Show my results, it will show you your score on the right as well as to calculate your income per hour and you can share your score with your friends in social networks if it does not cause you any embarrassment.

More details, watch the video 

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